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Textíltöfrar Indlands

Textíltöfrar IndlandsKomdu og upplifðu margslungna menningu Indlands í gegnum textíl.
Laugardaginn 27. ágúst kl. 13:00 á Bókasafni Garðabæjar.
Spuni og vefnaður - Framleiðsla á teppum á Indlandi.
Vinnustofa/ fyrirlestur haldin af gestakennaranum Professor Shilpa Babbar Khatri, kennari í indverskum fræðum hjá Háskóla Íslands.
Vefnaður er ein elsta og varðveittasta hefð Indlands.
Erindið er í boði Indverska sendiráðsins.
Saturday 27th of august at the library of Garðabær.

Workshop/ public lecture by Professor Shilpa Babba Khatri.

India has a total of 28 states and 8 Union Territories. To add to the vibrancy of this diverse and colorful country are almost 30 different weaves, including the creation of fabric from the thread and the different embroideries, designs, and patterns on the fabric. Weaving is one of the oldest and most enduring symbols of our civilization that relies very heavily on human skill. There is a special relationship between the weaver, the loom, and the woven cloth. It not only has a significant economic contribution but also kindles their expressions and speaks aloud of their craftsmanship.
So come and join us in experiencing Incredible India through some of her popular weaves.
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